It's a million degrees here (even more humid than DC -- yes, it's possible),

the streets are crowded, the cars don't stop for pedestrians, the air conditioners drip on you as you walk on the sidewalks, the people here stroll and meander instead of actually walking, when you go running on the few running tracks and paths that exist here the flabby arm brigade stretch across the small pathway leaving you to bark, "Mh goi!" (please or excuse me) every 3 feet, everyone has only two kinds of dogs cute as they are -- Schnauzers or brown poodles that look like Fozzie Bear, there's no Trader Joe's or Bourbon or bourbon, nor any tortillas, black beans or margaritas. I know, sounds like a nightmare doesn't it?!?!
...It does have a few things going for it however...
A subway system that runs at least every THREE MINUTES (didn't know time increments smaller than 12 existed, did you red line?), delicious, inexpensive Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean and yes, Chinese food, great coffee shops like the one I'm sitting in now with wi-fi -- no, nothing as great as Tryst but I'm working on it, small islands you can jump a ferry to and enjoy delicious seafood and a drink at,
B & H delivers here (my tripod is on it's way!), every kind of bar you could want (as long you're not after margaritas), I can play soccer almost every night of the week, IKEA, incredible views, and practically no crime.

Oh, and one more thing...

A pretty little woman named Danielle.